See what we can achieve
, our community of monthly supporters can do more for our NHS
In 2004 David’s life was transformed in an instant following a head-on collision with a 16-tonne lorry and the van he was driving. He needed over 20 hours in the operating theatre to repair the damage to his legs including skin and muscle grafts. Today, David is living a full and happy life thanks to the amazing care he received across multiple teams within the NHS.
"I donate every month, the NHS went above and beyond in the pandemic and now it's our chance to pay them back. When I need the NHS, or my family does, I want them to be there!"
Ella, Monthly Supporter
"Life can change in an instant, - a piece of wood lifted from a skip lorry, and I tried to swerve to avoid it. On hitting the lorry I had seriously damaged both my legs and was at risk of losing my foot. I was very lucky as behind me following the accident was a doctor who supported me while we waited for emergency services, on rescue I was rushed to my local ITU.
I wouldn’t be here today without the expertise and professionalism of the NHS"
David, Essex

You can join David and Ella today and become a part of an extraordinary community of people - passionate about our NHS and the collective power we have in adding the extraordinary extras that help our NHS to do more.
The power of coming
in action...

By committing to a £10 a month regular gift when you come together, over a year, you and eleven others could help pay for the provision, installation, and upkeep of a community defibrillator at a strategic location, improving cardiac arrest survival rates.

By committing to a £40 a month regular gift when you come together, over a year, you and 19 others could fund the creation of an outdoor wellbeing space for staff and patients to enjoy.

By committing to a £50 a month regular gift when you come together, over a year, you and 7 others could help provide additional support to frontline staff, volunteers and Emergency Operations Centre staff, to ensure they are better equipped to deal with bereavement.